Thursday, June 7, 2012

How to download movies/videos from Youtube using your terminal in Linux Mint?

Download a YouTube video from the Linux terminal. The steps are really not complicated that even a beginner of Linux can manage. So follow the instructions below on how to download videos for Linux Mint:

1. Using you Linux Mint box, download the package youtube-dl with this command:

sudo apt-get install youtube-dl

Type your root password if required. Or you can also go to Software Manager and install the youtub-dl under Internet category.

2.After your successful installation of youtube-dl, download the package adobe-flashplugin with this command:

sudo apt-get install adobe-flashplugin

Type your root password if required. Or you can also go to Software Manager and install the adobe-flashplugin under Internet category.

After installing youtube-dl and adobe-flashplugin, open a web browser and go to Look for the video you want to download.

Adobe Flash Player will ensure that you can play flash files in your Linux box.

3. Copy the page URL/address of the Youtube video.

4. Go back to the Linux Mint terminal and simply type: youtube-dl + URL/Address of the video

For example:

axkhann@axkhann-Lenovo-3000-N800 ~ $ youtube-dl
[youtube] Setting language
[youtube] mdADYHlExAk: Downloading video webpage
[youtube] mdADYHlExAk: Downloading video info webpage
[youtube] mdADYHlExAk: Extracting video information
[download] Destination: mdADYHlExAk.webm
[download]   1.2% of 166.53M at   87.17k/s ETA 32:13 

Note: Only type the command written in bold letters. The below confirmation appears after you press enter.

5. The downloaded video will be saved at /home/username by default (home/axkhaan).  You can watch the video using your Totem player or Genome Mplayer.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

How to add a network printer in Linux Mint?

Adding a network printer in Linux Mint is easy. Just follow the following instructions to be able to connect to your network printer:

1. Open your favorite browser and type in the url

 The Cups 1.5.0 appears. Cups is the standard-based, open source printing system developed by Apple Inc. for Mac OS X and other UNIX-like operating systems like Ubuntu, Linux Mint,  and Fedora.

2. Now go to Adding Printers and Classes.
You will be asked to whether Add Printer, Find New Printers, and or Manage Printers.

 3. Click the Find New Printers.

 4. Choose one of the available printers. I will choose Epson Epson Stylus NX100(EPSON L100@samsungacer-System-Product-Name)

  5. Click Continue.

6. Choose the brand name under Make and click the Add Printer.

7. Choose the Version of your printer. I will choose Epson Stylus NX100 - CUPS+Gutenprint v5.2.7 Simplified (en). Click Add Printer.

8. Click Set Default Options.

9. Try to print a document. You should choose the correct printer.

10. Click print. If you failed to specify the correct printer, under JOBS panel in the CUPS, you will be notified that the printer is not responding; otherwise you will successfully print your document.
This is how to configure a network printer under Linux Mint and Ubuntu. 

                 This is the example page showing all the completed jobs in your printing.

What are some of the many Video/Movie-editing tools found in Linux?

Create and edit videos and movies

A toolbox for manipulating and creating ogg video files

Slideshow creator with ken burns effect

Video editor

These are some of the featured packages of Linux for creating and editing videos and movies. Trying out these applications will give you a fair impression that Linux could also run variety of video editing tools.

Monday, June 4, 2012

How to Configure your Ruckus Wireless to connect your wireless computer(s) to a metro wi-fi network?

The Ruckus device will be configured to connect to a local Metro Wi-Fi network in order to improve your coverage of that network. Your home PC will be able to access the Metro Wi-Fi network via the Ruckus device.

  1. Open your favorite browser and type the defualt IP address of the Ruckus device. If you cannot connect to the Ruckus Wireless Admin, you might need to specify manually your IP address of your laptop or PC. Just go to Network Connection and in the Wired connection, type manually your IP address. (Example
    Type your Username and Password. The default username and password is provided at the back of the Ruckus device.
  1. Go to Smart Configuration and click.
  1. You will be asked how the Ruckus device should operate. Choose extend your home wireless coverage and press Next.
  1. Please select the one you want to connect to. You must select an SSID before moving on.
    Click next to continue.

  1. You will be asked to provide your new network name; just provide the below information for this tutorial. Choose 'Open' for security. You can also choose the other options so that you can provide a password for your new connection. Click Finish when you're done.

6. Reboot your Ruckus device to confirm the changes.

The Ruckus WLAN has been configured to extend your home wireless coverage.
After the successful reboot, the Ruckus WLAN is ready to use for you to connect your wireless computer(s) to a metro wi-fi network. You can now access the internet by connecting to MyNet.

How to Configure your Ruckus Wireless to extend your home wireless coverage?

The Ruckus devices will be configured to extend the reach of your current wireless setup. This is also referred to as being a "repeater".

  1. Open your favorite browser and type the defualt IP address of the Ruckus device. If you cannot connect to the Ruckus Wireless Admin, you might need to specify manually your IP address of your laptop or PC. Just go to Network Connection and in the Wired connection, type manually your IP address. (Example
    Type your Username and Password. The default username and password is provided at the back of the Ruckus device.
  1. Go to Smart Configuration and click.
  1. You will be asked how the Ruckus device should operate. Choose extend your home wireless coverage and press Next.
  1. Please select the one you want to connect to. You must select an SSID before moving on.
    Click next to continue.
5. Click Reboot to allow changes to your Ruckus device.

The Ruckus WLAN has been configured to extend your home wireless coverage.

Seven (7) Things you'll love about Linux.

Welcome to Linux!
Congratulations! You have made a great choice in deciding to use the Linux distribution – Linux Mint, Ubuntu or Fedora. Best of all you are not just using it for the benefit of yourself but also for many. Because you are supporting the free software revolution.

The seven good things you'll love about Linux:

  1. Free Software
    If you are a student and do not have enough money to buy for a genuine Operating System, you are just the right person to use Linux Operating System. You can download any Linux distribution like Fedora, Ubuntu and Linux Mint; and you can install it right away from your computer without asking permission from the developer. It is free to use and free of cost.
  1. Free to Distribute
    Aside from cost free, you have also the freedom to distribute it to your neighbors, friends, schoolmates and colleagues. Unlike other operating systems which prohibits illegal copying of their products, Linux is otherwise.
  1. Packed with Application Softwares
    Linux is packed with a lot of application softwares like LibreOffice Writer - can read Microsoft Office word from MS Office 2003, 2007 and 2010, LibreOffice Impress, Sounds and Video Players like VLC, Banshee, Genome MPlayer, Graphics tools like gThumb, and Gimp Image Editor, and many more packages. With over 36,176 packages available in the Internet; all can be freely downloaded and used.
  2. Less Vulnerable to Virus Treats
    Many, if not all, viruses are Microsoft based that's why it is never a problem when you are using Linux. Linux is one of the most secure operating system existing today. Aside from that, free anti-virus are also available just in case there will be malicious software corrupting your system.
  3. User Friendly
    Far from the misconception that Linux is only for those people who are blessed with high level of intellect; Linux now offers a very friendly interface which makes it very easy to use for the masses. Installing applications is very easy and you do not need to worry where you should go to look for the applications because Linux provides a GUI - Graphical User Interface – just like an Add/Remove Software, where, you can easily install and uninstall software.
  4. Unique and Elegant
    Because of freedom, came elegance. When you will be using Linux from time to time, you will uncover a lot of tricks and beauties about the operating system.
  5. Hacking Value
    This is how Linux became known for the past few years – a tool for many nocturnal activities of programmers and hackers. This is for the more advanced users and unfortunately not for beginners. This is however one of the things you'd probably loved as you go along with your journey of using the operating system.

Mplayer Movie player for UNIX-like systems VLC Multimedia player and streamer Totem Simple media player for the gnome desktop based on g:

These are some of the best movie players for Linux Mint and other Linux Distribution.
To install these packages to your laptop or pc just type the below code to the terminal.

  1. How to install mplayer using the terminal:
    sudo apt-get install mplayer
      - Type your root password if required. And then just follow as you are prompted for instruction.
  1. How to install VLC Multimedia Player using the terminal:
sudo apt-get install vlc
      • Type your root password if required. And then just follow as you are prompted for instruction.
  1. How to install totem Simple Media Player using the terminal:
    sudo apt-get install totem
      - Type your root password if required. And then just follow as you are prompted for instruction.

You can also install the following packages using the Software Manager.

Go to to Sound and Video or search for the following packages: totem, vlc, and mplayer.
If you are prompted to install the packages. Just Click install and wait for other instructions.
Just follow as you are instructed.

How to make your Globe Tattoo run in Linux Mint 12 or Ubuntu or fedora?

Globe Tattoo in Linux Mint 12
Many of us think that Globe Tattoo or even Smart Bro only runs in computers with Windows XP SP2/SP3, Windows Vista SP1/SP2, Windows 7, Mac OS X 10.5, 10.6 and 10.7 with latest upgrades, but the fact is, Linux also support now this mobile broadband technology. Falsity of facts driven from business advertisement has made us to fear the use of Linux, especially newbies in Linux, because accordingly, most marketed products now adays are only Windows based.

When I bought my Globe Tattoo stick, I wasn't afraid I could not run the latter to my laptop despite the fact that the supported OS are only Windows and Mac OS X.

All I can say is that, you can use Globe Tattoo or even SUN and SMART USB Modems in Linux, whether is it Linux Mint, Ubuntu, and or fedora. And the process is not complicated to setup. Just follow the following steps for you to be able to surf the internet using Globe Tattoo under your Linux Mint box.

1. Plug Globe Tattoo USB device on your PC or laptop.
2. Go to Menu>Other>Network Connections.
3. On
Network Connections Window, go to Mobile Broadband tab then click on Add button.

4. The New Mobile Broadband Connection wizard will appear. Follow the following:

 Select the USB Device name then click Continue

Select Philippines then click Continue

Select Globe Telecom then click Continue

If you select My plan is not listed... then type for APN then click Continue
For prepaid, use
For postpaid, use

A confirmation screen will appear, just click Apply

5. An edit window will appear, just provide the following information:

  1. Click save.
  2. Goto to the Network Notification icon above your deskotp.

Select the name you provided recently.
You can now connect to the internet using Globe Tattoo. Enjoy browsing!

Thursday, May 31, 2012

What are some Linux commands?

Linux Terminal Command Reference
System Info

date – Show the current date and time
cal – Show this month's calendar
uptime – Show current uptime
w – Display who is online
whoami – Who you are logged in as
finger user – Display information about user
uname -a – Show kernel information
cat /proc/cpuinfo – CPU information
cat /proc/meminfo – Memory information
df – Show disk usage
du – Show directory space usage
free – Show memory and swap usage
Keyboard Shortcuts

Enter – Run the command
Up Arrow – Show the previous command
Ctrl + R – Allows you to type a part of the command you're looking for and finds it

Ctrl + Z – Stops the current command, resume with fg in the foreground or bg in the background
Ctrl + C – Halts the current command, cancel the current operation and/or start with a fresh new line
Ctrl + L – Clear the screen

command | less – Allows the scrolling of the bash command window using Shift + Up Arrow and Shift + Down Arrow
!! – Repeats the last command
command  !$ – Repeats the last argument of the previous command
Esc + . (a period) – Insert the last argument of the previous command on the fly, which enables you to edit it before executing the command

Ctrl + A – Return to the start of the command you're typing
Ctrl + E – Go to the end of the command you're typing
Ctrl + U – Cut everything before the cursor to a special clipboard, erases the whole line
Ctrl + K – Cut everything after the cursor to a special clipboard
Ctrl + Y – Paste from the special clipboard that Ctrl + U and Ctrl + K save their data to
Ctrl + T – Swap the two characters before the cursor (you can actually use this to transport a character from the left to the right, try it!)
Ctrl + W – Delete the word / argument left of the cursor in the current line

Ctrl + D – Log out of current session, similar to exit
Learn the Commands

apropos subject – List manual pages for subject
man -k keyword – Display man pages containing keyword
man command – Show the manual for command
man -t man | ps2pdf - > man.pdf  – Make a pdf of a manual page
which command – Show full path name of command
time command – See how long a command takes

whereis app – Show possible locations of app
which app – Show which app will be run by default; it shows the full path

grep pattern files – Search for pattern in files
grep -r pattern dir – Search recursively for pattern in dir
command | grep pattern – Search for pattern in the output of command
locate file – Find all instances of file
find / -name filename – Starting with the root directory, look for the file called filename
find / -name ”*filename*” – Starting with the root directory, look for the file containing the string filename
locate filename – Find a file called filename using the locate command; this assumes you have already used the command updatedb (see next)
updatedb – Create or update the database of files on all file systems attached to the Linux root directory
which filename – Show the subdirectory containing the executable file  called filename
grep TextStringToFind /dir – Starting with the directory called dir, look for and list all files containing TextStringToFind
File Permissions

chmod octal file – Change the permissions of file to octal, which can be found separately for user, group, and world by adding: 4 – read (r), 2 – write (w), 1 – execute (x)
chmod 777 – read, write, execute for all
chmod 755 – rwx for owner, rx for group and world
For more options, see man chmod.
File Commands

ls – Directory listing
ls -l – List files in current directory using long format
ls -laC – List all files in current directory in long format and display in columns
ls -F – List files in current directory and indicate the file type
ls -al – Formatted listing with hidden files

cd dir – Change directory to dir
cd – Change to home
mkdir dir – Create a directory dir
pwd – Show current directory

rm name – Remove a file or directory called name
rm -r dir – Delete directory dir
rm -f file – Force remove file
rm -rf dir – Force remove an entire directory dir and all it’s included files and subdirectories (use with extreme caution)

cp file1 file2 – Copy file1 to file2
cp -r dir1 dir2 – Copy dir1 to dir2; create dir2 if it doesn't exist
cp file /home/dirname – Copy the file called filename to the /home/dirname directory

mv file /home/dirname – Move the file called filename to the /home/dirname directory
mv file1 file2 – Rename or move file1 to file2; if file2 is an existing directory, moves file1 into directory file2

ln -s file link – Create symbolic link link to file
touch file – Create or update file
cat > file – Places standard input into file
cat file – Display the file called file

more file – Display the file called file one page at a time, proceed to next page using the spacebar
head file – Output the first 10 lines of file
head -20 file – Display the first 20 lines of the file called file
tail file – Output the last 10 lines of file
tail -20 file – Display the last 20 lines of the file called file
tail -f file – Output the contents of file as it grows, starting with the last 10 lines

tar cf file.tar files – Create a tar named file.tar containing files
tar xf file.tar – Extract the files from file.tar

tar czf file.tar.gz files – Create a tar with Gzip compression
tar xzf file.tar.gz – Extract a tar using Gzip

tar cjf file.tar.bz2 – Create a tar with Bzip2 compression
tar xjf file.tar.bz2 – Extract a tar using Bzip2

gzip file – Compresses file and renames it to file.gz
gzip -d file.gz – Decompresses file.gz back to file

/etc/rc.d/init.d/lpd start – Start the print daemon
/etc/rc.d/init.d/lpd stop – Stop the print daemon
/etc/rc.d/init.d/lpd status – Display status of the print daemon
lpq – Display jobs in print queue
lprm – Remove jobs from queue
lpr – Print a file
lpc – Printer control tool
man subject | lpr – Print the manual page called subject as plain text
man -t subject | lpr – Print the manual page called subject as Postscript output
printtool – Start X printer setup interface

ifconfig – List IP addresses for all devices on the local machine
ping host – Ping host and output results
whois domain – Get whois information for domain
dig domain – Get DNS information for domain
dig -x host – Reverse lookup host
wget file – Download file
wget -c file – Continue a stopped download

ssh user@host – Connect to host as user
ssh -p port user@host – Connect to host on port port as user
ssh-copy-id user@host – Add your key to host for user to enable a keyed or passwordless login
User Administration

adduser accountname – Create a new user call accountname
passwd accountname – Give accountname a new password
su – Log in as superuser from current login
exit – Stop being superuser and revert to normal user
Process Management

ps – Display your currently active processes
top – Display all running processes
kill pid – Kill process id pid
killall proc – Kill all processes named proc (use with extreme caution)
bg – Lists stopped or background jobs; resume a stopped job in the background
fg – Brings the most recent job to foreground
fg n – Brings job n to the foreground
Installation from source

make install
dpkg -i pkg.deb – install a DEB package (Debian / Ubuntu / Linux Mint)
rpm -Uvh pkg.rpm – install a RPM package (Red Hat / Fedora)
Stopping & Starting

shutdown -h now – Shutdown the system now and do not reboot
halt – Stop all processes - same as above
shutdown -r 5 – Shutdown the system in 5 minutes and reboot
shutdown -r now – Shutdown the system now and reboot
reboot – Stop all processes and then reboot - same as above
startx – Start the X system
history - Display recent commands used

list of important commands for my /var/www

locate php.ini
vim /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini
sudo vi /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini
vim /etc/php5/cli/php.ini
sudo vi /etc/php5/cli/php.ini
sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
sudo chmod -R 775 mysite

W: Failed to fetch

W: Failed to fetch
  Could not connect to (, connection timed out

W: Failed to fetch
  Unable to connect to

If you encounter this error, do not worry! This problem is only caused by network connection issues. Try to connect to other Internet connection.

How to install and configure gimp to your laptop using the command line for Linux Mint or Ubuntu.

sudo apt-get install gimp
Go to Menu->Terminal. And type the above code in terminal and hit enter.
Type your linux mint password and press enter.
Type y and hit enter to confirm gimp installation.

After the successful installation , open Menu → Graphics → Gimp Image Editor is ready to go.
After your successful installation of gimp in your computer;
if you type again the same command to the terminal, you will 
get the above prompt.
Another way to install gimp is using the graphical mode.
Go to Software Manager → and in the search bar, look for Gimp
Image Editor or simply gimp. And hit enter. You will be 
prompted to install the gimp, just click install.

How to install and configure VLC to your laptop using the command line for Linux Mint or Ubuntu.

Go to Menu->Terminal. And type the above code in terminal and hit enter.
sudo apt-get install vlc 
 Type your linux mint password and press enter.
Type y and hit enter to confirm VLC installation.

After the successful installation , open Menu ? Sound and Video ? VLC Media Player  is ready to go.

After your successful installation of VLC in your computer; if you type again the same command to the 
terminal, you will get the above prompt.
 Another way to install VLC Media Player is using the graphical mode. Go to Software Manager, and
 in the search bar, look for VLC media player or simply VLC. And hit enter. You will be prompted to 

install the VLC, just click install. 

Cannot Get Updates for Linux Mint and Ubuntu.

Last time, you were able to install other application softwares for Linux in your Laptop like Gimp, VLC, gThumb, etc...
Unfortunately now, you could hardly install other applications. For example, you want to install LAMP for your laptop however you got some error messages.
like the following:

Err oneiric-security InRelease

Err oneiric InRelease

Err oneiric InRelease

Err oneiric-security Release.gpg
Unable to connect to 10.blaah.blah.bla
Err oneiric Release.gpg
Unable to connect to 10.blaah.blah.bla
Err oneiric Release.gpg
Unable to connect to 10.blaah.blah.bla
Err lisa InRelease

Err oneiric InRelease

Err oneiric-updates InRelease

Err lisa Release.gpg
Unable to connect to 10.blaah.blah.bla
Err oneiric Release.gpg
Unable to connect to 10.blaah.blah.bla
Err oneiric-updates Release.gpg
Unable to connect to 10.blaah.blah.bla
Reading package lists... Done
W: Failed to fetch

W: Failed to fetch

W: Failed to fetch

W: Failed to fetch

W: Failed to fetch

W: Failed to fetch

W: Failed to fetch Unable to connect to 10.blaah.blah.bla

W: Failed to fetch Unable to connect to 10.blaah.blah.bla

W: Failed to fetch Unable to connect to 10.blaah.blah.bla

W: Failed to fetch Unable to connect to 10.blaah.blah.bla

W: Failed to fetch Unable to connect to 10.blaah.blah.bla

W: Failed to fetch Unable to connect to 10.blaah.blah.bla

W: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.
Try this solution:
  Your problem could be greatly caused by a network issue. I have met this problem more often when my network connection is not stable. Try to do it again on another Internet connection. 
Check your Internet connection by typing the following codes to the termnial:
if the time=50 ms or lower... then there you   have a very good Internet connection.

The repository may no longer be available or could not be contacted because of network problems. If available an older version of the failed index will be used. Otherwise the repository will be ignored. Check your network connection and ensure the repository address in the preferences is correct.

Are you having problem with updating your Linux OS?
You could not download all repository indexes for your laptop/PC after you attempted to download updates.
You got these error messages.

"The repository may no longer be available or could not be contacted because of network problems. If available an older version of the failed index will be used. Otherwise the repository will be ignored. Check your network connection and ensure the repository address in the preferences is correct."

E: Malformed line 11 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list (absolute dist)
E: Unable to lock the list directory

E: Malformed line 11 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list (absolute dist)
E: The list of sources could not be read.
Go to the repository dialog to correct the problem.
E: _cache->open() failed, please report.

E:Malformed line 11 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list (absolute dist)

After checking my source list at /etc/apt/sources.list:

deb lisa main upstream import
deb oneiric main restricted universe multiverse
deb oneiric-updates main restricted universe multiverse
deb oneiric-security main restricted universe multiverse
deb oneiric partner
deb oneiric free non-free

#deb oneiric-getdeb apps
#deb oneiric-getdeb games
deb romeo/
deb romeo/ apt-get update
If you found the last two lines in your resource.list at /etc/apt/;
remove that, the dev romeo/
and htttp:// romeo/ apt-get update.
You can easily remove that by editing the file with the root privileges. Go to the directory /etc/apt/ and then
type this code in the terminal sudo gedit resource.list.
Be sure you that your prompt for the terminal is the same directory of the file.
That's it.

How to install Wordpress into Linux Mint 12?

Here are the steps in installing Wordpress to Linux Mint 12.

Step 1:
Before Installing Wordpress we need to ensure that apache is installed in our system.
Go to Menu->Terminal. And type the below code in terminal and hit enter.
sudo apt-get install apache2
Type your linux mint password and press enter.
Type Y and hit enter to confirm apache installation.
After the successful installation , open your favorite browser and type
in the address bar and press enter. If you will see ‘It works!’ , then your apache works fine.
Step 2:
Next step is to have the web administration tool installed into your system.
Install phpmyadmin in either of these two ways:
We can install PHP by going to the Software Manager ---search for phpmyadmin----click install

 or go to Menu->Terminal. And type the below code in terminal and hit enter.
sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin
Type your linux mint password if needed.
Type y and hit enter to confirm PHP installation.

After the successful installation restart Apache using the below code
sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
Test PHP installation
If you installed phpmyadmin using the graphical mode, then you have to go to the File System /usr/share/ then copy phpmyadmin folder to File System /var/www/
then type the this code to the terminal

cd /var
sudo chmod -R 777 www

Type your root password if required. The above code will allow you to Read-Write-Execute from the directory specified.

By then, you should be able to access localhost/phpmyadmin in your web browser.
Now open your favorite browser and type
in the address bar and press enter. If you will see the below page , then your php works fine.
sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
For sometime you need to restart your apache for some configurations to take effect. Just type the above code.

Step 3:
Installing MySql
Go to Menu->Terminal. And type the below code in terminal and hit enter.
sudo apt-get install mysql-server
Type your linux mint password if needed.
Type y and hit enter to confirm MySql installation.
During the installation you will be prompted for a password. Choose something secure and type the password and hit enter.
Step 4:
Installing Wordpress
Download latest Wordpress packages and extract the file. Copy wordpress to File System /var/www/

and then type the following code
cd /var/www
chmod -R 777 wordpress
in the address bar type localhost/wordpress/ and press enter.
You should be prompted of your database name, username, password... provide the following information to create your configuration file. After which, you will be able to access your dashboard.

Your wordpress is now ready to go. Start building your own website.

Part 7. Commercial Law. Piercing the viel. Solidary liability

Because a corporation’s existence is only by fiction of law, it can only exercise its rights and powers through its directors, officers, or...