Monday, June 4, 2012

How to make your Globe Tattoo run in Linux Mint 12 or Ubuntu or fedora?

Globe Tattoo in Linux Mint 12
Many of us think that Globe Tattoo or even Smart Bro only runs in computers with Windows XP SP2/SP3, Windows Vista SP1/SP2, Windows 7, Mac OS X 10.5, 10.6 and 10.7 with latest upgrades, but the fact is, Linux also support now this mobile broadband technology. Falsity of facts driven from business advertisement has made us to fear the use of Linux, especially newbies in Linux, because accordingly, most marketed products now adays are only Windows based.

When I bought my Globe Tattoo stick, I wasn't afraid I could not run the latter to my laptop despite the fact that the supported OS are only Windows and Mac OS X.

All I can say is that, you can use Globe Tattoo or even SUN and SMART USB Modems in Linux, whether is it Linux Mint, Ubuntu, and or fedora. And the process is not complicated to setup. Just follow the following steps for you to be able to surf the internet using Globe Tattoo under your Linux Mint box.

1. Plug Globe Tattoo USB device on your PC or laptop.
2. Go to Menu>Other>Network Connections.
3. On
Network Connections Window, go to Mobile Broadband tab then click on Add button.

4. The New Mobile Broadband Connection wizard will appear. Follow the following:

 Select the USB Device name then click Continue

Select Philippines then click Continue

Select Globe Telecom then click Continue

If you select My plan is not listed... then type for APN then click Continue
For prepaid, use
For postpaid, use

A confirmation screen will appear, just click Apply

5. An edit window will appear, just provide the following information:

  1. Click save.
  2. Goto to the Network Notification icon above your deskotp.

Select the name you provided recently.
You can now connect to the internet using Globe Tattoo. Enjoy browsing!


  1. Do we need to remove the SIM card from the modem then insert it to the mobile phone then register to Unlimited promos of the ISPs then re-insert to the modem?

  2. use wine in order to run the globe tattoo gui. you should be able to register for surfing promos there. :)

  3. Yeah.exactly..if you will be using wine, you will be able to run the GUI of the modem.

    1. hello, have you tried opening globe tattoo gui using wine? Does it work properly like normal?

    2. It is not really as normal as in the other operating systems. But it definitely works.
      Try it.


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